Car Vin/Chasis Number
ex. MAKGM263CAN100883
Hyundai ex. 19 digit MALAN51CMAM0403960K
Maruti/Fiat ex: Vin/Chasis is 19 digit MA3EED81S00694577G8
MyVehicleDetails provides the basic car informations e.g. Model, Make, Country, Month and Year of the vehicle based of Vin/Chasis information. Our Vin decoder database is currently focused on Indian market. Presently we provide details about car in India by Honda ,Maruti -Suzuki, Hyndai, Santro, Mahindra, Tata, Ford, Skoda,Chevrolet, Volkswagen. we are gathering more data for Toyota,Fiat and Nissan. Myvehicledetails is also working on providing vehicle history details to help car and auto insurance, car dealers and new/used car buyers.
Vehicle Identification Number (also called VINs and in India it’s referred as Chasis) is an important piece of information for identifying the exact car you have and the engine that was put into it when it was built. Before you buy new or used car, make sure verify the car details using VIN number
Brief history of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
In the mid 1950s, American automobile manufacturers began stamping and casting identifying numbers on cars and their parts. The obvious purpose was to give an accurate description of the vehicle as mass production numbers were starting to climb to very significant numbers. Research has shown that early VINs came in all sorts of variations, depending on the car manufacturer.
In the early 1980s, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration began requiring that all road vehicles contain a 17-character VIN. This established the fixed VIN system for major vehicle manufacturers as it is known today .
The Vehicle Identification Number was "officially" described in ISO Standard 3779 in February 1977 and last revised in 1983.
Here’s How to Find Your Car’s VIN/CHASIS
The table below will help you locate your car’s unique VIN – its unique vehicle identification number. VINs/Chasis are normally located in several locations on a car, but the most common places are:
- On the door frame/door post of the front doors (usually driver’s but sometimes passenger’s)
- On the dash near the windshield
- On the engine itself (machined pad on front of engine)
- On the car’s firewall
- In the left-hand inner wheel arch
- On the steering wheel/steering column
- On the radiator support bracket
- On your car’s title, registration, guarantee/maintenance book or on the declarations page of your auto insurance policy